Resource Page for the Scholarly Project

Unless you already passed the First Episode Case History under the old regulations, all trainees will have to submit and pass the Scholarly Project so as to graduate with FRANZCP. Planning research and carrying it out can take a lot longer than you'd think, so don't leave it too long to start. The deadline by which it needs to be passed is 60 months into training - that's the end of 5th year. If you've already completed a significant academic work which is relevant to psychiatry (like a thesis or a published article) then you can apply for an exemption from doing the Scholarly Project. See the College webpage below to read about that.

Send your completed SP Proposals (and any associated documents) to Felicity while Gary's on sabbatical through to June 2020.

You can do several types of Scholarly Project, but for those choosing to do an audit, here are some resources:

If you'd like to read a sample of an Audit-type Scholarly Project that passed, to see how these are written up, email Gary.

Other resource articles about the Scholarly Project:

Some references about planning a Literature Review:

Dr Gary Cheung is usually the go-to person for Auckland programme trainees wanting to ask questions about the Scholarly Project, but he's on sabbatical to June 2020, so ask Felicity any questions meanwhile.

Gary has arranged with Prof Sally Merry, Head of the Department of Psychological Medicine at the University of Auckland, for registrars to have access to some of the University's resources so as to do scholarly projects, such as: SPSS, NVivo, and Philson Library online resources (e-journals, search databases).

Sally has kindly agreed to the following, for registrars who want to access these resources for their research projects:

  • an honorary appointment in the department for one year
  • Ranjeeni Ram (Sally's PA) can organise a computer login for you
  • there are some "hot desk" computer stations in the academic department that can be used by registrars doing work for their projects (Ranjeeni can organise this as well).

To access these resources, you'll need to email Gary outlining your research project and he'll then liaise with Ranjeeni who will organise the paperwork. Gary will need your CV to set up the honorary appointment. You might already have had your Project Plan approved, in which case Gary won't require much information, but if you need to access these resources so as to to write your Project Plan, that's fine as well - in which case Gary will need more information about what you hope to do.

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