Info for mentors about RANZCP Training
To refresh your memory or update yourself about this when mentoring one of our registrars, here are some resources.
The colour cartoon of RANZCP training under the 2012 regulations
The competencies registrars are supposed to have achieved at the point when they complete their training (and which all Fellows are supposed to maintain)
The usual timetable registrars will follow when achieving their training tasks in RANZCP training
Our on-line 1 hour course for supervisors on how to do Workplace-based assessments and on what EPAs are (useful for any overseas trained supervisors who haven't done a local supervisor training workshop)
Some slides on general techniques in supervision that are also useful for mentors
Our local website with more links – and the page specifically about RANZCP training
If there's any other specific information you'd like about any aspect of the training, please email James Gardiner
All of this can be used to claim CPD hours, of course – let James know if you need a brief confirmation letter for any time used. |